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I have chosen to start reacting to posts by Kagame’s social media mouthpiece Tom Ndahiro aka Mabinga

By Seruga Titus

Pilato and his boys are not grateful!!!! Uganda gave them all the support to return home, to now they want to come back and terrorize the same country. What do you want from our Jajja?

Intelligence information shows that Rwanda has heavily deployed critics on social media to demonize Uganda and the current administration.

I have chosen to start reacting to posts by Kagame’s social media mouthpiece Tom Ndahiro aka Mabinga who has made it a habit to demonize the President of Uganda. Tom Ndahiro is fully funded by Paul Kagame himself and meets him on a weekly basis.

The President of Uganda may have ignored these posts and insults but we Ugandans will not ignore them. Unlike Kigali that pays these goons to through insults at the President and Uganda those that defend Uganda do it out of love for their nation.

I am now going to reply to these posts in kind back to the Kigali regime and see who will feel the heat more be reminded that unlike Kagame, President Museveni will never respond to such attacks on him, am sure Kagame bangs tables, he hates it when seemly small boys have a go at him online. Unfortunately he is toothless his border closing doesn’t hurt us anymore than it hurts his own economy.

We have ignored this goon for so long, Kagame loves him because he is a tusti extremist who will go a distance to kill anyone against Kagame.

Tom Ndahiro has underestimated my silence, he has deployed slay queens to my inbox fronting nudes with elongated flaps, the same has been all opening up accounts.

For a mature guy to be used like a toilet paper is so embarrassing, Pilato will use you to insult President Museveni and later ask to meet him, he will come with your name on his list to Museveni who is not bothered.

In the next two months am going to expose all these articles written by Kigali about Uganda that tom has personally authored with clearance of Kagame, the same Pilato acts innocent in Public.


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